Majoros Áron Zsolt

Szobrászművész / Sculptor


Born in Budapest (Hungary) in 1982.Lives and works in Budapest.

EDUCATION2001-2008. Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest (HU), Sculpture Department, Master: Pál Kő
1997-2000. Building and Decorative Arts School, Budapest (HU), Faculty of Stone Sculpting


·      2020. MMA scholarship·      2019. National Cultural Fund of Hungary, scholarship·      2018. National Cultural Fund of Hungary, scholarship·      2017. Award of the Spring Exhibition of Pesterzsébet·      2017. National Cultural Fund of Hungary, scholarship·      2014. National Cultural Fund of Hungary, scholarship·      2014. „Labirintus” competition, awarded·      2014. „KÓD” competition, awarded·      2013. Reformation and Tolerance Award·      2012. Reality and Illusion – Award by the National Association of Hungarian Artists·      2012. Awards of the Spring Exhibition of Pesterzsébet·      2011. Ezüstgerely Award·      2008. Príma Junior Award·      2008. Spring Exhibition of Pesterzsébet, Special Award·      2007. ELTE Botanical Gardens, Special Award·      2007. Award of the ’I give you hope and future’ competition·      2005. Finta Award


SOLO EXHIBITIONS·      2023.  Centres of Gravity,Contemplation, Kunsthalle, Budapest (HU)·      2022. 40, Gallery13, Soroksár (HU)·      2022. Hiatus, Zsdrál Gallery, Balatonfüred (HU)·      2021. Influence , Hegyvidék Gallery, Budapest (HU)·      2020. Pesterzsébeti Museum, Budapest (HU)·      2019. Spaces of Being Faur Zsófi gallery, Budapest (HU)·      2018. Cradles, Co-author:Mayer Éva, Gallery Limes Komárno (SK)·      2017. Living collection,National Gallery,Budapest (HU)·      2016. „Soulframe”, Contamporary Hungarian Gallery, Dunajská Streda (SK)·      2014. Solo exhibition with Éva Mayer, Vörösmarty Társaság, Székesfehérvár (HU)·      2014. „Transvision”, (with Éva Mayer), Halászbástya, Saint-Michael Chapel, Budapest (HU)·      2013. Liminal Spaces, (with Hajnal Miklós), Faur Zsófi Gallery, Budapest (HU)·      2011. Language course for beginners, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Budapest (HU)·      2010. Gallery 13, Soroksár (HU)·      2009. Parthenon Fríz-Hall, Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest (HU)GROUP EXHIBITIONS·      2023. 54. Tavaszi Tárlat, Pesterzsébeti Múzeum, Budapest (HU)·      2023. Világ-Város, Holokauszt Emlékközpont, Budapest (HU)·      2022. Kontempláció, Mank Galéria, Szentendre (HU)·      2022. Csend, Dunartcom, Korona udvar, Somorja (SK)·      2022. Dunartcom, Art Market, Budapest (HU)·      2022.  Kún Kelemen Fine Arts, Art Vienna, Schönbrunn (A)·      2022. ViszontLátás, Új Műhely Galéria , Szentendre (HU)·      2022. Miszla Art, Lábasház, Sepsiszentgyörgy (RO)·      2022. 68. Vásárhelyi Őszi Tárlat, Hódmezővásárhely (HU)·      2021. Plain Air, MAMÜ Galéria, Budapest (HU)·      2021. Nézőpont Kérdése, MAMÜ, Kassa (SK)·      2021. Dunartcom, Art Market, Budapest (HU)·      2021. Kontaktusok, V. Szobrász Biennálé, Müvészetmalom, Szentendre (HU)·      2021. Közös Metszet, K Galéria, Budapest (HU)·      2021. 52. Tavaszi Tárlat, Pesterzsébeti Múzeum, Budapest (HU)·      2020. Artonomy | 2nd National Salon of Fine Arts, Műcsarnok Kunsthalle, Budapest (HU)·      2020. Group Show, Art And You Gallery, India (IN)·      2020. Contemplation, DUNARTCOM international symposium, Mestské kultúrne stredisko, Šamorin (SK)·      2020. Home, Miszla-art, Makay Castle, Miszla, (HU)·      2020. Art Market, DUNARTCOM, Budapest (HU)·      2020. Changes, Contemporary Hungarian Gallery, Dunajská Streda (SK)·      2020. MAMÜ Training, Kilroy Art, Csákberény (HU)·      2019. Art Innsbruck, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Innsbruck (A)·      2019. VI-VIII., MAMÜ Gallery, Budapest (HU)·      2019. Antik & Art, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Budapest (HU)·      2019. The Asylum, MyMuseum, Budapest (HU)·      2019. Explorers 2.0,Ybl Creatíve House Buda Budapest (HU)·      2019. Art Market, MAMŰ, Budapest (HU)·      2019. Living collection, MNG, Budapest (HU)·      2018. Biennale of Contemporary Christian Iconography, Cifrapalota, Kecskemét (HU)      ·      2018. RE-vival, Latarka, Budapest (HU)·      2018. Art Marbella, Kún Kelemen Fine Arts (SP)

WORKSHOPS / COLONY RESIDENCIES·      2020. international symposium, Šamorin (SK)·      2020. Miszla Art, Home, Miszla (HU)·      2019. DUNARTCOM international symposium, Šamorin (SK)·      2019. Miszla Art, Forward Message, Miszla (HU)·      2019. Lăzarea, art colony (RO)·      2018. international art colony, Šamorin (SK)·      2018. Miszla Art, “Szindaráló” Miszla (HU)·      2018. Steel Symposion, Komló (HU)·      2017. Art Point-Gumno,Sloeshtica (MK)·      2017. international art colony, Šamorin (SK)·      2017. international art colony, Šamorin (SK)·      2016. international art colony, Šamorín (SK)·      2015. international art colony, Šamorín (SK)·      2014. international art colony, Šamorín (SK)·      2014. Steel Symposion, Kecskemét (HU)·      2013. international art colony, Šamorín (SK)·      2012. Steel Symposion, Kecskemét (HU)·      2010. Steel Symposion, Kecskemét (HU)·      2009. Iniciato art colony in Bálványos (RO)·      2007. Wood sculpting art colony, Nagyatád (HU)·      2007. Art colony, Sellye (HU)·      2006. Wood sculpting art colony, Nagyatád (HU)·      2006. Steel sculpting art colony, Tatabánya (HU)·      2005. Art Colony, Heves (HU)·      2002. Art colony of the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Tihany (HU)

PUBLIC WORKS·      2020. Maria, Budapest, (HU)·      2020. Christ, M86 highway resting (HU)           ·      2020. Maria, M86 highway resting (HU)·      2018. Ybl monument, Ybl Creative House Buda, (HU)·      2017. Portrait of Gábor Grrofits, Mosonmagyaróvár·      2010. Relief of László Halmos, Mosonmagyaróvár (HU)·      2009. Corpus, altarpiece, Vasad (HU)·      2008. Relief of Mihály Babits relief, Budapest (HU)·      2007. Portrait of István Kormos, Mosonmagyaróvár (HU)·      2003. Sinka Memorial, Csömör (HU)

WORKS IN PRIVATE AND PUBLIC COLLECTIONS·      Museum of Pesterzsébet (HU)·      Gallery of Soroksár (HU)·      KASZ Collection (HU)·      Collection of Marquise of Marianao (ES)·      Collection of Carlos Añaños (ES)·      Collection of Joaquín Díez-Cascón (ES)·      Elgiz Museum, Istanbul (TR)·      New Museum (MX)·      Pauker collection,(HU)·      Art Point-Gumno,collection,(MK)·      Sorokin collection (RU)·      Lakics collection (HU)·      Miszla Art collection (HU)
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